The Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority (ACTA) is a joint powers authority formed by the City of Los Angeles and the City of Long Beach. ACTA is governed by a seven-member board, with representatives from the Cities of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. ACTA holds monthly Governing Board Meetings, as required to conduct business.
ACTA has three officers that oversee the day-to-day management of the Authority. In addition, a Deputy City Attorney of the City of Los Angeles and a Deputy City Attorney of the City of Long Beach serve as Co-General Counsel of the Authority.
ACTA’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) oversees all administrative and strategic planning matters of the Authority and supervises all maintenance, engineering design and construction management activities of the Authority. ACTA’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) manages all areas of finance, accounting, administration of expenditures, contracting, auditing, insurance, risk management, revenue collection, debt service, refinancing, and grant administration. The Chief Operating Officer (COO) manages ACTA’s maintenance program and works with the Railroads, Ports, and other stakeholders to facilitate efficient operations, as well as planning to promote increasing cargo movement by rail.
Together, the CEO, CFO and COO have the responsibility of carrying out the direction of the ACTA Board.
ACTA operates with a 12-member staff and contracts for various professional services with the Cities of Los Angeles and Long Beach, consultants and contractors working under the direction of ACTA staff.
ACTA operates under the tenets of the Joint Powers Agreement and the Use & Operating Agreement with supplemental direction obtained through Mutual Agreement via written approval by 3 of 4 parties (POLB, POLA, BNSF, UP), or Memorandum of Agreements via written approval by all four parties and ACTA. In addition, the Master Trust Indenture describes allocation and disbursement of ACTA revenues.