A. Roll Call
B. Opening Statement
C. Agenda Items
Closed Session:
1. Conference with Legal Counsel – Personnel Matter, Controller (Gov Code Section 54957)
Consent: (2 – 6)
2. Minutes of the December 10, 2020 Board Meeting of the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority (APPROVAL)
121020 Minutes
3. Monthly Financial Reports as of November 2020 (RECEIVE & FILE)
Transmittal 1
Transmittal 2
4. Fiscal Year 2021/22 Preliminary Budget Schedule (INFORMATION)
5. Resolution Appointing CEO as Authority Engineer (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
6. Information regarding plan for 2021 Emergency Drill (INFORMATION)
7. December 2020 Performance Report (INFORMATION)
8. Confirmation of ACTA’s Investment Policy for Non-bond Funds (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
9. Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to: (1) Negotiate and accept the recommendations of Willis Towers Watson (Willis), ACTA’s Broker of Record, for placement of required insurance for the period April 15, 2021 through April 14, 2022; and (2) Bind insurance, on behalf of ACTA, in accordance with the recommendations of Willis. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
10. Approve the Eighth Amendment to the Alameda Corridor Dispatching Services Agreement with BNSF Railway Company and Union Pacific Railroad Company to extend the term up to six months to October 14, 2021 and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the amendment. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
11. Approve the Eighth Amendment to the Corridor Police and Security Services Agreement with BNSF Railway Company and Union Pacific Railroad Company to extend the term up to six months to October 14, 2021 and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the amendment. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
12. Adopt Resolution No. 21-2 approving Amendment No. 4 to District Agreement No. 07-4872 with the California Department of Transportation, increasing the not-to-exceed budget for ROW support services to be provided by ACTA during and after the construction of Segment 1 of the SR-47 Project; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the amendment. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
13. Approval of Change Order No. 19 to extend the term for SR-47 services under Agreement No. C0764 with Earth Mechanics, Inc. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
14. Approval of Change Order No. 27 to extend the term for SR-47 services under Agreement No. E0807 with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
15. Approve a sole source procurement in the amount of $111,081 plus a $13,919 contingency to Comet Electronics, LLC for materials and services to upgrade 18 existing AEI Readers on the Corridor. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
16. Authorize staff to engage Alameda Corridor Engineering Team (ACET) in FY22 budget preparation for support services. (APPROVAL)
17. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
18. Adjournment