Michael Cano serves as the first Deputy Executive Officer for Goods Movement Planning and State Policy and Programming for Los Angeles County Metro’s Countywide Planning Department. In this capacity he developed and authored Metro’s LA County Goods Movement Strategic Plan which is centered on equity and supports the region’s economic vitality and environmental sustainability goals.
He leads Metro’s planning efforts in the development of comprehensive multimodal highway corridor planning, grant applications and guidelines development for state and federal discretionary funding programs, project development and multimodal integration, and local-state-federal policy analysis for all things goods movement-related at Metro.
Michael also leads Metro’s Freight Working Group, which brings together key stakeholders from state, local, and private entities directly involved with goods movement in Los Angeles County. He serves as Metro’s representative on the California Freight Advisory Committee and the USDOT / Maritime Administration’s Port Congestion and Supply Chain working group, leads the 710 Clean Truck Program and facilitates Metro’s Freight Rail Investment Partnership. He leads Metro’s new I-710 South Corridor Task Force that will develop multimodal, equitable and sustainable solutions for the many challenges faced by communities impacted by the movement of people and goods regionally and nationally through this corridor of national significance.
Before coming to Metro, Michael was the Deputy Supervisor for the LA County Board of Supervisors, overseeing transportation and infrastructure policy for the county’s 5th District that encompasses over 2 million residents. During his 12-year tenure Michael led the development of the High Desert Multimodal Corridor JPA and developed the principles for Measure M, a half-cent LA County transportation sales tax that was approved by 71% in 2016. He also served as a Director on the JPA Board and the Antelope Valley Transportation Authority and led as Chair of the Metro San Fernando Valley Service Council.
A native Angeleno, Michael received his Bachelor of Arts from Georgetown University in Washington, DC, and his Master of Public Administration from the University of Southern California’s Sol Price School of Public Policy.